Sunday, 30 May 2010

Hello from the far North

Hi Everyone

Life here continues to be amazing. Our children are thriving and they decided when we leave they want to board at this school. LOL Sometimes they think they are indigenous and the students adore them so much it’s not hard for them to believe this. We continue to be astounded by what this school has in terms of funding and resources.

Recently our family had the pleasure of attending what would have to be one of the best camps in my 20 years of teaching. 90 students 20 staff and 5 of our school’s buses took the 14hr trip to Weipa, right up the top of Aus. We could not have asked for a better bunch of people to spend hours and hours with as we travelled the long, bumpy and dusty road. We saw goannas, dingoes wild pigs and cattle on the road along the way. We were lucky that we did not have to sleep in tents like the students. Teachers got an aircon room. It was sooooooo hot there!!

The students were so supportive of our family. Jonas and Heidi, performed for the first time outside the school and with the encouragement of all the students. To see little Heidi and Jonas up on stage with the older students made me rather emotional. We felt like we were part of ONE BIG FAMILY. The staff, parents and students touched our hearts and we will never forget this trip and the talent that was on show. It is obvious that this school is a special place.

The rest of the family do not want to leave this school, so we will finish up at the end of the year instead of mid year. I have decided to do shorts stints in very remote areas as a visiting special Ed/Literacy/ESL teacher before we head home. This way, I’ll just go for short trips. Jonas does not want to give up playing in the Future Stars AFL team, (Can you believe that?!!) the Choir, the Drumming Band, the Cultural Group and the fact that he is excelling academically. We also have a festival in Townsville in front of 5000 people coming up in August and the kids will perform for the second time. If anyone can make it, it will be rather very special and right on The Strand. Heidi belongs to the Top Western Cultural Group and thinks she is from TI. Her cultural teacher is so impressed with her learning to sing and dance. You can see her in the photos. Also, it turns out both children are strong swimmers and some French coach is coming to watch them train with their squad to see if he can offer them a place on the Woree team. It is exciting and Jonas does not want to give this up. Nico just loves his little spot in the school and the independence and freedom he has to create diverse ICT programs for his students.

So, leaving half way is not a family decision, more mine as I want to get out there and get my “hands dirty”, so to speak. I want to do some work in the most remote and most disadvantaged areas. I would like to teach in the Torres Strait too. I have been invited to several islands and we will tour them before Christmas as we finish school at the end of November here. The children have grown so much and this experience has brought out the best in them.

The school is continually changing and you can always visit You can’t miss the photos of Jonas and Heidi as they stand out…..LOL
Photos of the Cultural Festival in Weipa are here: On these sites you will see photos of what we are experiencing.

We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to visit before we move on. It truly is an incredible school and our principals are just wonderful and love visitors.

Take care and chat soon
The Drijvers xxx